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ENH-DP-TPA-V2.1-B-P (p/n 640-1052-000)
ENH-DP-TPA-V2.1-B-P (p/n 640-1052-000)
Our Price: $4,250.00

Qty. 1 - Enhanced DisplayPort Plug DP2.1 test adapter
* 10 - High Performance Phase Aligned 6-inch Coaxial Cables with Female 2.92mm connectors
Qty. 1 - 4 position low speed cable and connector

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ENH-DP-TPA-V2.1-B-R (p/n 640-1053-000)
ENH-DP-TPA-V2.1-B-R (p/n 640-1053-000)
Our Price: $4,669.00

Qty. 1 - Enhanced DisplayPort Receptacle DP2.1 test adapter
* 10 - High Performance Phase Aligned 6-inch Coaxial Cables with Female 2.92mm connectors
Qty. 1 - 4 position low speed cable and connector

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