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MYDP-TPA-PRSA (p/n 640-0660-000)
MYDP-TPA-PRSA (p/n 640-0660-000)
Price: $1,586.00

Product Code: 640-0660-000

Qty. 1 - MyDP Plug & Receptacle Adapter Kit
               1 - MyDP Plug Test Fixture with Micro USB Plug (WT p/n 110-1096-000)
               1 - MyDP Receptacle Test Fixture with Micro USB Receptacle (WT p/n 110-1097-000)
               1 - MyDP Source Fixture w/ uUSB Plug and DP Recep. (WT p/n 110-1098-000)
               1 - MyDP Dongle Fixture w/ uUSB Recep. and DP Recep. (WT p/n 110-1099-000)
CD containing MyDP User Manual
Instrument Case

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